just me and myself....

just me and myself....

Sunday, December 19, 2004

sorry AND sorry...

昨天放工之後到The Curve的 FF去,休息喝水的時候有個人走過來搭訕.問我附近有沒有LRT Station.那個人說他不熟Damansara,所以沒事找事情做的我就說如果時間允許的話可以載他到LRT Station,不過我要先到IKEA走走.結果那個人說他可以等.後來他跟我到IKEA.

在IKEA,我遇見了Osman和Ivan. (Osman, if you see this, i want to apologize didn't join ur Pot Luck gathering although i no need to go KLIA.. :( and i want to apologia that I go IKEA actually to find a gift for you, but it was a such a terrible day for me in yesterday !)

話說回那個人,開始的時候是他跟我走IKEA,後來變成我要陪他走IKANO.我一邊走一邊後悔為什麼我要那麼好心答應載他..這件事情教會我以後不要在gym裡面回答陌生人的問題,要不然就會自找麻煩.總之最後我載那個人到Taman Jaya的LRT Station,然後到Amcorp Mall吃Kenny's Roger.

晚餐過後走進了大眾書局,在擺賣名信片的旋轉架上選著明信片.旁邊顯眼的賀卡,提醒著下個星期,就是聖誕節了. 走出Amcorp Mall,白天的道路換上晚裝,同樣的路,白天和黑夜一樣的繁華.街燈的照燿,以一種寫意的姿態沿上思念的背景.雨剛下過,來來往往的行人吹著冷風稍微的畏縮.涼涼的!

因為這樣讓我想起在它國的那一個孤單影子被拉得好長的初春夜晚.我領著依然溫熱的炒飯離開餐館走向車站,回不屬於我的家.而這一次我拿著剛買的名信片,有了一樣的心情.若能,只想站在街頭,哪兒都不去... 至於明信片,今早寫上了祝福的句子,可是該寄給誰好呢?給J嗎?假想他們路過他家的街頭巷尾,雲淡風清..至於一起歡慶佳節,未來的日子,我想已經沒有可能,那麼以前的那一次,將會是我(們)今生,唯一的一次.

天氣涼了,雨水也多了,你好嗎?我還好. 沒有你的日子,聳聳肩,總算還過得去.... 祝他快樂,


1 comment:

osmansany said...

aiyaa.. ur entry in chinese.. cannot understand one. no need to apologize laa, just tell me truth, I prefer honesty in frenship rather then frens who want to 'jaga' my hati... he he... no worries la... kesian dengar u psal the person in IKEA. Sometimes u r too nice and u let ppl ruin ur day. Dont be. U dont like sumthing, say it out. In the end, the jugdement shall be based on how the day went by and not what kind of person u r. Be bold, 'jaga' ur hati 1st before anyone elses. Hugs bro. :) ...(no need buy me present lah)